I decided that this Website should be created to tell the story of the Great Whyte and the construction of the Tunnels. These exist underneath the Great Whyte Ramsey in Cambridgeshire. However when they were built, Ramsey was in the old County of Huntingdonshire.
This Victorian brick-built marvel has never been documented in any detail since it was built-in 1852/4. These dates coincide with similar great engineering projects that were taking place in London. Such as the covering over of the Fleet river, which runs under Fleet St, and the London Underground tunnels all being built in brick. In fact if you look at photographs of the Fleet Tunnel you will see similarities in construction and shape to the Ramsey Tunnels. This shows that the work was very much up to date for the time.
It is a great shame that all the hard and skilled work by the unknown Navvy workforce has been forgotten, simply because no records of who they were and where they lived in the Town were kept. All the information we have are in the minutes of the Vestry Meetings which only tell us the reasons why the Culverts (Tunnels) were built and the costs involved.
If there are any Groups of people interested in the History of these Tunnels and Ramsey, I’m quite willing to give talks about them, just contact me through the contact page.